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Why I Make Goat Milk Soap

Why I Make Goat Milk Soap in my Self-Sufficiency Lifestyle?

Of the many resounding questions about self-sufficiency, one of the most popular is its feasibility. “Is it possible?”.

While many people are dubious about it, more and more pro-Earth advocates are now relishing the beauty of a self-sufficient lifestyle. The core of self-sufficiency is simple living, which means living off the land and growing your own food.

Living a self-sufficient life may be a pie in the sky. But, believe me, it is possible. In fact, Natasha, a seasoned real estate professional from the US, is one of the many who couldn’t help but admire nature’s generosity in sustaining her day-to-day needs.

As a new gal in the crowd, “self-sufficiency” gives you peace of mind, thinking that amidst the silicon-buzzing era of technological breakthroughs in the fields of food production and cosmetics, what you take in doesn’t go against your health standards.

Goat’s Milk Soap: How It All Began?

While milking her goats, Natasha thought of a beautiful idea. And, that is to make a soap out of these goats’ fresh milk. Nature is a never-failing bounteous friend that provides not just unlimited glasses of good and nutritious milk, but also the assurance that living simply and healthy is possible.

Why Goat Milk Soap?

But, why goat milk soap? Listen up.

As you noticed amidst reinvention in the fields of beauty and cosmetics, new products were created. Amazingly, goat’s milk soap shines one of the brightest. It holds tons of amazing benefits in a single bar. Detailed below are a few of these.

Effective Skin Care

Goat milk soap hydrates and moisturizes the skin:

Whether you have normal skin or dry and sensitive one, goat milk soap got you covered. It is a must-have skincare product, I must say. As an emollient, it creates a natural barrier that locks in moisture in your skin - making it more supple, soft, and smooth as temperature shoots up.

As a crowd’s favorite, let us dig up the science behind the awesome moisturizing benefits of goat milk soap. Aside from milk as its main ingredient, goat milk soap is made of essential oils and glycerin.

Glycerin is a by-product of the soap-making process (known as saponification). It attracts moisture to the skin. Imagine stuffing up natural fats, vitamins, minerals, and proteins in one box of goat milk soap.

Additionally, with almost the same pH level as human skin, goat milk soap perfectly complements dry and sensitive skin. The slightly higher pH level washes off the dirt and free radicals, leaving moisture in the skin. Vitamin E, moreover, protects it from damage caused by the sun’s harmful radiance and other skin irritants.

Goat milk soap fights anti-aging signs:

Aside from cleansing, an all-natural goat milk soap also reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Along with other minerals,  Vitamin A helps combat signs of aging by producing a good amount of collagen. High collagen level makes the skin look soft but not sagging. Additionally, goat milk soap also contains B vitamins that improve skin texture and complexion for a healthy and beautiful glow.

Natural and Safe on the Skin

The benefits of goat milk soap go beyond beauty and hygiene. It offers self-assurance that no artificial or harmful additive is used in the product you are using. This is great news for many health-conscious individuals who shut their doors to commercialized and synthetic products.

Goat milk soap steers you clear from all sorts of commercial additives:

Do you know that harsh chemicals in soaps might cause irritation and allergic reactions? Synthetic and commercialized soaps contain surfactants and detergents. Good thing, home-made goat milk soap is here to the rescue. It has natural cleansing properties but does not strip off the natural oil on your skin.

Goat milk allows customization and creativity:

When it comes to self-made beauty products, creativity has no bounds. Experiment with other organic ingredients to find your perfect mix. You get to choose your ingredients based on your preference and/or availability. Simply blend some natural oils like coconut oil, vitamin E oil, or olive oil with milk. Or add some lavender oil for fragrance or aroma.


Being an ideal self-sufficiency option that works for many, goat milk soap is not only just a high-quality skin care product, but a money-saver too. Combining all-natural ingredients makes it last longer, as compared to other conventional soaps that you see in those beauty and cosmetic shops.

  • Goat milk soap serves many purposes

With goat milk soap, you don’t have to buy a handful of different soaps -one for your body and the other for your face. A bar of goat milk soap is gentle enough to be used in cleaning and moisturizing both skin and body. In fact, it can also be used as a shaving soap too.

Also, goat milk soap helps you save money from not needing a lotion or a moisturizer anymore. So, you see? Getting a fresh-looking healthy skin does not have to be expensive.

  • Goat milk saves you from costly dermatological treatments

You have learned that goat milk soap’s ingredients are less irritating. This is the reason why it is popular among people with sensitive skin. Since it is less likely to get skin problems when using this soap, think of how much you can save from not having to spend on costly dermatological treatments and products.

Environmental Benefits

The benefits of goat milk soap go beyond safety and savings. As a good self-sufficiency practice, it helps build a better and safer world for the generations to come. To highlight, making goat milk soap at home utilizes sustainable resources, reduces packaging waste, and supports the local ecosystem.

To elaborate, goat milk soap-making…

Lessens Packaging Wastes: When you make your own goat milk soap at home, you help downplay the impact of commercialized soap production on the environment. Home-made and all-natural soaps for personal use need no plastic packaging. So, you help minimize the waste dumped in those landfills.

Makes use of sustainable resources: Unlike commercially produced soaps, the process of making goat milk soaps needs minimal energy. That being said, you help trim down the carbon footprint as you take full control of the entire production process. Whether you grow or produce all the ingredients you need for your soap or source them from local farmers, you help minimize waste.

Supports Local Ecosystem: Making homemade goat milk soap is also believed to be a good “pollinator support”. This means that when you grow your own natural ingredients for the soap, your land turns into a little paradise for pollinators. Bees, butterflies, and other nectar-sipping insects would surely love flying around the beautiful lavenders and plants you have in your land. Through this, you promote biodiversity in your own simple way.

Making Goat Milk Soap

Brief Overview of the Soap-making Process

After digging into the stunning benefits of goat milk soap, aren’t you tempted to make one?  It is relatively easy and fulfilling. Get your spatula ready and make a bar of goat milk soap with these ingredients:

  • Goats milk
  • 63 grams of lye sodium hydroxide
  • 2 lbs. Coconut and shea butter
  • Water
  • Castor oil
  • Olive oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Silicone mold, spatula, and  microwave safe- measuring cup

A Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Goat Milk Soap

Here are the steps:

  1. Add 63 grams of sodium hydroxide in a distilled water. The sodium hydroxide-water ratio is 1:1. This is the minimum amount of water to make a lye solution. Now, give it a good stir to mix the two ingredients well. There should be no undissolved particles on the lye, so keep stirring until everything is blended perfectly.

Remember: When mixing, always wear protective gear, so you won’t hurt your hands. By wearing a mask and gloves, you can endure the pretty strong fumes that the lye solution produces.

  1. Place the shea butter and coconut oil into a pan to melt. This process normally takes around 5 minutes to fully turn these ingredients into a crystal-clear liquid. When completely melted, remove the mixture from the heat. Cool it down a little (must be 80-95 degrees Celsius) before adding the next few ingredients.
  2. Mix the castor and olive oils in a separate bowl. Then, slowly pour it into the melted shea and coconut oil mixture. Stir constantly. This time, add the goat milk. Cooling down the oils avoids scorching the goat milk. Scorching means burning or turning the entire milk mixture into yellow or brown, making it look and smell unpleasant.

Noticing some droplets of milk on the oil-milk solution is just fine. This is because the water content of the goat milk won’t mix with oil easily. Just stir continuously to achieve a finer texture for your soap. The more you stir, the finer it becomes.

  1. Now, pour the lye solution slowly into the milk oil solution, then stir. At this point, the lye and milk oil solution turns slightly brownish and creamy.
  2. Using an immersion blender, mix the ingredients to make it look like a translucent puree. Gently place the blender into the mixture. Turn it on for two seconds, then turn it off to stir. Do not remove the blender from the mixture yet. Repeat the “2-second blend and stir process” until the mixture becomes a creamy, thick, and translucent-looking paste.
  3. Add a beautiful aroma to the soap mixture. Put in a teaspoon of natural lavender oil, then gently stir to blend. Aside from having a really pleasant smell, the lavender essential oil has calming properties that relax and fights stress.

Optional: You may add some citrus essential oil since lavender and citrus oils go perfectly together.

  1. Finally, place the mixture in the silicon molder. Pop up the bubbles by shaking them a little. Leave it there for two days to harden naturally.

Goat milk soap is a must-have skincare product for all skin types. It cleanses, moisturizes, and fights signs of aging. It contains vitamins and minerals that make your skin feel softer and glowing. Aside from its effects on your skin, using an all-natural goat soap steers you clear from any artificial additive that might be irritating.

You save money from not needing dermatological treatments. Above all these benefits, you help conserve energy in soap production and support the local ecosystem when you make your own goat milk soap at home. It makes the world a better place to live.

In addition, goat milk soap making is not just an act of self-sufficiency but an advocacy for sustainability. As a powerful pro-Earth concept, it opens a more resilient, fulfilling, and environmentally conscious lifestyle to everyone. Moreover, it reminds us to live simply, knowing that the existence of the next generations lies in our hands.

To wrap up, self-sufficiency may sound difficult. But then again, it is possible and it works. That’s the bottom line.

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